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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Burlap Table Runner

Decided to jump on the bandwagon and make a burlap table runner.    Purchased  1 1/2 yards of burlap and washed it on gentle cycle.  Air dried and shook all the shreds off.   (well, as much as I could.  It is messy!)  I then ironed the burlap with a steam iron to smooth it all out.  Started by measuring a 17" width of the burlap, full length of fabric.  At the 17" mark I pulled a thread out.  I was then able to cleanly cut the burlap.

Then I sewed  in one inch all the way around the piece and repeated about 1/8 inch (one thread worth) inside that stitch line.  This will prevent any unraveling of the burlap. 

I then taped the runner down to my work table trying to get it as straight as possible.  I used painter's tape to mark a one inch strip inside the stitch marks.  And another rectangle of painter's tape 1/2 inch inside that.  Using fabric paint, I painted this 1/2 inch border.  Then I used some letter templates to paint my Thanksgiving message on the table runner.  Lastly, I removed all the threads outside of my stitch lines to give a 1 inch fringe.  A quick morning project.

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